kannada film industry's leading hero shivaraj kumar(shivanna) turns 49 today. Monday morning witnessed enthusiastic and tumultuous sequences in front of the residence of Shivaraj Kumar and he had to cut many birthday cakes brought by his large number of fans who were waiting from Sunday evening in front of his house.
On Sunday, Shivaraj Kumar received two watches from his younger brothers Raghavendra Raj Kumar and Puneet Raj Kumar. His daughters also presented him a watch, while his wife Ms. Geetha Shivaraj Kumar gave him a suit. The first birthday cake was cut in the wee hours of Monday after the traditonal pooja in his house where most of his family members and well-wishers were present. Later Shivaraj Kumar came out to meet the crowd which had gathered in front of his palatial residence near the Hebbal Bridge.
"I think every birthday of mine has been made special by my fans who have come from the various parts of the state. I think the fans are the real strength of any actor and I always make it a point to spend as much time as possible with my fans during my birthdays. They have been here since yesterday midnight. Despite the rains their enthusiasm has not waned. I think I am extremely lucky to get such a heightened affection from my fans. At this moment I would like to remember my father (Dr. Raj Kumar) who did enjoy the good will of millions of fans. It is just that as his son I am lucky enough to get the same level of love and affection from the fans", said Shivaraj Kumar.