Police Story 3 is an upcoming Indian Kannada language film starring actor Sudeep in the lead and directed by 6 directors Thriller Manju, Sadhu Kokila, Vasu, J G Krishna, Anand P Raju, Shankar. The music is composed by noted music composer Sagar. The film is making its way to the Guiness World Record and the Limca Book Of Records by shooting a normal two and a half hour movie in just 12 hours and the first copy of the film will be ready in just 10 days after the shooting. It is produced under the banner of Aditya Creations. Shivananda Madashetty is the producer of this film. However, the team confirms that the movie is not the sequel of the previous films Police Story Part 1 and 2.The Film Started shooting at 6.00am on the 6th of June 2011 and finished shooting the whole film on the same day at 6.00pm. The film has been shot in and around the Bangalore Palace Grounds.The film's Camera work is done by J G Krishna, Krishna Kumar, M R Seenu, Janardhana Babu, Anand and Venkatesh. The film has 10 main artistes with almost 100 junior artistes. This is a Commercial Action Movie. The film will have 6 editors; however the editor's team will be lead by the top editor of the Kannada Film Industry Kemparaju.The main highlight of the film is the experienced music composer and lyricist Sagar who has brilliantly written, composed and orchestrated the songs . There are 3 classic songs in the film. The tunes are very catchy and there is freshness in lyrics as well as in music. There are two melody songs out of which one song is a romantic duet and another being a female pathos version of the romantic song. There's also a fast track song in the movie.
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